
Wednesday, May 12, 2010


'Your life... Your choice'

You have given time…but how you manage it? Do you appreciate it?

You have given wealth…how you use it? For what purpose you expense for? And do you show your gratitude’s to your Lord?

You still young in pink of health…but what have you done in your lives? Do you have guarantee that you still alive tomorrow?

You have given life…which path that you choose? – The path of heaven? Or the path of hell…

...and the reminder has come to you, then ... why you show your stubbornness and neglect it?

177. evil As an example are people who reject Our Signs and wrong their own souls.

182. those who reject Our Signs, we shall gradually visit with punishment, In ways They perceive not; 183. respite will I grant unto them: for My scheme is strong (and unfailing)

(surah Al-A'araf : verses 177 and 182-183)

"Sungguh Allah tidak menzalimi kamu, bahkan kamulah yang menzalimi diri kamu sendiri"

Pilihlah jalan yang benar, jalan yang diredhai-Nya, janganlah kamu mudah terpedaya dgn tipu muslihat syaitan dan iblis, dekatkanlah hatimu kepada kebenaran, sesungguhnya itulah yang terbaik bagimu Dan janganlah kamu hijabkan pandanganmu dari kekuasaan Allah, dan janganlah pula kamu tulikan pendengaranmu dari ayat-ayat Allah, dan bertaubatlah kpd Tuhanmu sebelum tertutup pintu-pintu taubat.

69. (but) the penalty(azab) on the Day of Judgment will be doubled to him, and He will dwell therein In ignominy(humiliating and degrading),-70. unless He repents, believes, and works righteous deeds, for Allah will change the evil of such persons into good, and Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful,

(surah Al-Furqan : verses 69-70)

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